During this time of unprecidented anxiety and uncertainty, keeping positive and looking forward to a better future become increasingly important. Over the coming months, in the face of the Covid-19 crisis, Dyfodol i’r Iaith with continue to work creatively and proactively for the good of the Welsh language to ensure that it is not ignored at this difficult time.

We will be publishing our policy document, Planning the Regeneration of the Welsh Language online this Friday (April 3) and sharing our findings with Assembly Members and organisations that support the Welsh language. This is our strategic blueprint for the language, and all of our recommendations are based upon the principle of comprehensive language planning and the need for strong and appropriate structures to carry out the work.

Through our website and social media, we will also be publishing a series of discussion topics arising from Planning the Regeneration of the Welsh Language. We will be asking for ideas and comments and encouraging discussion on what the priorities and needs of the Welsh language are.

This is a difficult time, but we also believe that it provides an opportunity for us all to think, reflect upon, and hope for a better world. We therefore extend an invitation to you all to imagine and plan for the regeneration of the Welsh language within a world that is free of the threat of Covid-19.


Planning the Regeneration of the Welsh Language proposes an approach to the challenge of language growth by using the acknowledged principles of comprehensive language planning to reverse language shift and create communities of Welsh-speakers. It notes that the following areas are essential to this work:

  • Disseminating wide understanding of the importance of the Welsh language
  • Creating Welsh-speakers through early years education and care provision
  • The rôle of Statutory, Further and Higher Education
  • Developing the Welsh language amongst parents and within the workforce and the workplace
  • Promoting the use of the language in all aspects of day-to-day life
  • Protecting the Welsh language as the normal medium of communication in those areas where it is at its strongest
  • The use of technology and media to support the language
  • Language planning – utilising this methodology and co-ordinating expertise creatively and with continuity
  • Insisting upon an appropriate and powerful organisational structure to carry out the work.

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