Meeting with the Welsh Language Minister: Dyfodol stresses the need for robust structures as part of the Welsh Language Bill to promote and defend the language

As part of the consultation on the Welsh Language White Paper, representatives from Dyfodol recently met with Alun Davies, the Welsh Language Minister and his civil servants.

The meeting was very positive, and provided Dyfodol with another opportunity to stress the importance of establishing robust structures to promote the Welsh language across all experiences and sectors, with the specific aim of increasing its use in informal day-to-day situations. This principle of promotion remains our priority, but at the same time time, we also wish to see the enforcement of the language being strengthened, simplified, and expanded to new areas. Striking this balance, along with efficient planning and adequate funding, is essential to the success of the Government’s Welsh Language Strategy.

The Minister and civil servants’ comments were heartening, but we must remember that this is a process, and that we must continue to lobby for structures that are strong and independent enough, and which utilise the necessary expertise to ensure an increase in the number of Welsh speakers and the opportunities to use the language.

There is a link below which will allow you to send a respnse to the White Paper consultation. We would urge you to make the most of this convenient opportunity  to respond (the closing date is 31/10/17), and to press for a foundation and a framework which will support the growth of the Welsh language over the coming years. You can send your response by email to: [email protected]

White Paper Consultation Letter

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