It has been a time for discussion for Dyfodol lately, with three key meetings taking place over the last week.

Dyfodol have met with Alun Davies, the new Minister for the Welsh Language, who is also responsible for Welsh-medium education. We had a positive meeting with him in Cardiff, where we outlined and discussed our manifesto priorities. We look forward to working closely with the Minister over the new Assembly term. We should also note that we are currently arranging further meetings with the politicians when they return to the Assembly in September.

Dyfodol representatives also met with Betsan Powys, Programmes Editor for Radio Cymru, which provided an opportunity to discuss the channel’s innovative fortieth-birthday experiment. We discussed our vision of expanding provision; producing output that fully reflects the diversity of the channel’s listeners and potential listeners. We wish every success to the forthcoming experiment

On July 28th, the latest of our public meetings was held at the Rugby Club in Crymych. Once again, we received a warm welcome, which was followed by a lively discussion. Thank you to all who came along, and we very much hope that our message was a convincing one.


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