Dyfodol i’r Iaith is extremely disappointed that Carmarthenshire County Council has approved an application to build 42 new homes in the village of Porthyrhyd on Thursday (25/4/24).

With the Porthyrhyd Defence Movement, Dyfodol i’r Iaith had presented solid evidence that allowing the development would surely lead to the anglicisation of a village where 68.5% speak Welsh. It is one of those increasingly rare wards where Welsh is part of the fabric of the community and the everyday language of the majority. In October 2023 68.5% of adults in the village were identified as speaking Welsh. This percentage of Welsh speakers belongs to the top 10% of Welsh communities in terms of percentage of speakers. The village, therefore, has special linguistic significance. With 68.5% Welsh speakers, the village can effectively maintain a Welsh-speaking community, with Welsh playing a prominent role in the life of the community. Only 73 electoral divisions throughout Wales have more than 60% speaking Welsh.

[read the rest of the release here…]

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